Listening to: nothin'...
Feeling: bleh
Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band::Murderdolls
Are you female or male::B-Movie Scream Queen
Describe yourself::She Was A Teenage Zombie
How do some people feel about you::People Hate Me
How do you feel about yourself::Dressed To Depress/Slit My Wrist
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend::Motherf**ker I Don't Care
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend::Love At First Fright
Describe where you want to be::Dead In Hollywood
Describe what you want to be::B-Movie Scream Queen
Describe how you live::Welcome To The Strange
Describe how you love::Love At First Fright
Share a few words of wisdom::I Love To Say F**k !!!

Bands // Song Titles brought to you by BZOINK! well i found that quite fun^^ tell me what you guys think!! =D
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do you have msn?