if it was physically possible to explode i guarantee you, there would be pieces of me all over... oh wait, there are. but that.s not what i mean, i can.t explode. sorry.

anyway, was just curious cos as silly as this sounds i.d love to cut your hair.
in a i love cutting hair kind of way and you have good hair to cut.
lol thanks, i need a lil cheering up..lol...*boom!* i exploded. I was waiting for that lol. nice site anyway..
*goes BOOOOOMMMM!!!* xD ooh..I ahd a panic attack!! Does that count is interesting?!?!?! =D
oh yeah??
Think you can listen to MY gothic music, do you??
Huh, we'll see about that.

Hey Rhi, help me get a pic up sometime!


*ahem: steals your pants*