"Miss little cool girl liking the murderdolls..Oh yeah..I wanna be gay like you! Oh, I forgot. Your only 13.. Learn..ALL OF IT IS GAY! HARDCORE IS GAY!
[anonymous (]"
a) It is not gay
b) You're so pathetic.. leaving an anonymous note. Just shows that you're a coward.
c) I'm not trying to be "hardcore". Believe it or not, I'm just being myself.
d) There is nothing wrong with being 13. You're obviously a lot older than me... but who's the most mature? I hate normal people about as much as you hate goths.. but I don't go and leave an anonymous message on their diary. I LEAVE THEM TO IT.
e) I don't give a shit about your opinion.
f) I'm not "miss little cool girl". I'm not cool, and I don't want to be cool. Cool is, as you put it, "gay".
g) Fuck.
h) You.
i) You can't spell. It's "YOU'RE only 13" not "YOUR only 13". Learn... APOSTROPHES!
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like i did yours
thanks for the comment ^.^ like zee diary. tix purdyfull :)
yeah it's one of those rides!