DiP mY cHiPs In tHe BlOoD tHaT dRiPs

Feeling: freaked
Yes I feel freaked because I just found some crazy website where you can play 'Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven' backwards and you can hear some "evil message"... so that's freaked me out. Anyway HELLO sitDiariers. *nods and waves at ya all* Hope you're all doing great. I talked to Dylan last night, which was cool. And this morning I read this WHOLE article on Slipknot's new album and stuff. JOEY'S NEW MASK ROCKS!! I just can't get enough of it. I really want this band that me, Sarah and Kim have talked about to actually "happen". I want to get a real drum kit and start JAMMIN'! anyway so I'm saving up for that. Okay, I'll start saving as soon as I get Slipknot's new album. And Manson's "greatest hits" thingy. And the 'Wednesday 13's Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13' (or whatever) album. Uhh, not much luck for me then. life's a grave, dig it, rhIan p.s - could someone please tell me how to get stuff in 'bold' and 'italics' on here? And how to get a picture in the middle of an entry? Thanks.
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hes beautiful isnt he? so far you and me are the only ones who think so... my mate says he has a weathered old mans face. :o he doesnt. Drummers are always the kewlest. I have a thing for drummers. Woohoo you should so totally get a drum kit. I want one but my mum wont let me have one because "theyre too noisy" it sucks.
oops forgot to say... i dunno how you get bold and italics. but to get a pic in the middle of an entry you go to www.photobucket.com and upload your pics on there. and you'll get this thing called a tag for every photo you upload onto it and you just copy and paste the tag into your entry. tadaaaa. If you get stuck just tell me and i'll try and help ya out.
no problem. Yeah drummers are nearly always the kewlest. Joey jordison is pretty darn fine too. You should look at ALL the members from the 69eyes... well apart from one coz he's ugly (ooh that was nasty) coz i think you'd like them all. same kinda style as joey... a bit.
I love that song die my bride by murderdolls!!!