Speechless and redundantby pawnshopheartListening to: Green Day
Feeling: pooped
Grr. People are jerks. And I am one too for not updating. I'm sorry. I really do love you guys.
Today in first block, I'm wearing a cropped denim jacket (geez, I'm growing superficial with each passing day. Someone slap me.) and this Jeff kid in my history class was giving me grief about it too short. "My three-year-old cousin could fit in there, except your arms are too long." :confused: What the hell?
OK. I needed to get that off my chest.
I should tell you guys the English class story... but it makes me look like such a spaz! Oh well, it's my story of the week, so you'll probably hear about it anyway. OK, I am NOT good with speaking in front of crowds, especially my English class. I have no idea why, but it just happens that way. So anyway, we had to present poems and mine was a mushy one. It was. And I was speechless and redundant (hence the title). So Mrs. Bert kept making sighing noises and I tried not to laugh or cry or just spaz. So after the fifth time, I turn around and go, "Mrs. Bert, I'm really nervous right now and your sound effects are not helping me! So please just stop!"
"What are you gonna do when you get to Comp/Comm?"
"Pass out."
But she didn't take it too seriously and she told me I did good for someone who was nervous.
So yeah. That was another great moment by me.
I got myself one of those myspaces. I miss this though.
I promise I'll put up homecoming pictures. I have to find the cable that connects the camera to the computer and/or the memory card scanner.
I hate speaking in front of anyone, and our like 3rd marking period is ALL public speeches. I CAN'T WAIT! ;) not.
haven't talked to you in a while.
you should get online moree. :)