
These spacers are so freakin annoying i hate i have to wgere them for like 2 weeks but the denist thingy said they might fall out in maybe a week i hope so!!!!! god well i have to get braces in 2 weeks and well i will have to where them for 2 or more years god im goin to get blue, hot pink, and lime green so that will be kool but havin to where them for so long really sucks ok well comment me if you have braces or if you have had them!!!!! thanx tell me the pain!! Love ya!! xoxo
Read 9 comments
okay lol
um for the things that pop up and the things that move around my coursor the links you can find on my icon diary : iconzxox
and for marquee
this is the code
and i got my coursor from
OR lol :-D
if ya need anymore help just leave a comment or if ya want you can im me on AIM my sn is xoxpretty1npiink
well that really sux that yOu have tO get braces. i have tO get them tOO next year. i asked peOple if they hurt and sOme have tOld me they dO and Others tOld me they dOn't. sO idk. =D
welcome :-D
Cute Diary!! Have a good Night!
go bubbles
how old are really??
lol the code to put in your diary is in my icon diary iconzxox

lol but ill give it to ya lol the code is :
alert("type what you want here")
ok lol just copy this code and put it in your header, but take out the spaces between the alert("type what you want here")

sorry for laughing at you. but that's what people did to me when i got my braces. i am getting mine off in september. i have had them for 2 and 1/2 years. so next time someone gets braces...laugh at them...