
Listening to: Lauraaaaaaa
Feeling: unappreciated
Some people on here are like.."Yo biatch waddup nigga" N all this bull shit...Wanna-be gangster talk..Yeah and they are white as milk bottles and basicly a pain in zee arse. Moving on.. Nicoles really startin to scare me....she used to be totaly agenst drugs/sex/fags n everythin...N yesterday she was smokin away.. my mates have fucked of tae lanzarote ..well 2 of them..But they are like mi 2 best mates.So i am borrrrrrreeeeed. goin to glasgow i wont b able to update for like..ever Nah..about a week or so. over n out x-x-x Okay..So i stole this quiz from some ones diary...Life goes on! Basics: [Name] --Chloe [Nickname]Chlo,Chlo-flo,snowball..etc [Screen name] :^) I used to be disgusted.Now i'm just amused :P [Birthday] 17.10.90 [Age] 14 [Astrological sign] Libra [Chinese zodiac sign?] fook knows [Location]scotland..innit [Sexual Preference] guys [Marital Status] single-ish..Lol [Religion] None [Eye color] brown [Height] dunno [Shoe size] 4-5 [Parents still together] Nopeh [Siblings] None [Nieces/Nephews] ya [Pets]cat [In school/graduated] high skool [You drive] No..Well..Not legaly Favorites: [Color] black&pink [Number] 13 [Animal] Baby things [Vehicle] Vrooom vrooom..Yeah convertable..Black [Flower] Tulips [Scent] Hugo Boss [Drinks] Cider...Buckfast..Diet cola..Lol [Soda] Diet anythin [Book]Psssssh. [Band]LOOOOOADS [Song] There is Do you... [Color your hair?] yeah [Twirl your hair?] some times [Have tattoos?] nope [Have Piercings?] yeah..ears n belly [Have a boyfriend]no-ish [Cheat on tests/homework?] yeah.. [Drink/Smoke?]drink [ Like roller coasters?] kinda [Wish you could live somewhere else?] YESS [Want more more piercings?] One - my nose [Like cleaning?] no [Write in cursive or print?] wtf? [Own a web cam?] ya [Know how to drive?]yeah [Diet?] if starving and making your self is dieting..then yeah. [Own a cell phone?] yep who doesnt? Have you ever... [Gotten a speeding ticket?] No [Been in a wreck?]mabeeeeeee [Been arrested?] Almost [Been in a fist fight?]ya [Kicked someone in the nuts?] yep [Stolen anything?] ya [Held a gun?]ya [Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name] cant rememba [Considered a life of crime?]Bahaha [Considered being a hooker?] No way!..Pole dancer mabe [Cheated on someone? ] mmmmmmnnah-ish [Cried over a boy?] yeh [Lied to someone?] ya [Been in love?] PSSSSSH! [Fallen for your best friend?] Ya [Made out with JUST a friend?] Ya [Been rejected?]ya [Been in lust?] ya [Used someone?]nah [Been used?] probably [Been cheated on?]Yeah..grrness [Been kissed?] Yeah [Experimented with homosexuality?] You woah? [Current mood] Happi chappi [Current taste] Toothpaste [Current hair] just out the bath [Current thing I ought to be doing] Nothing important [Current cds in stereo] walk idiot wald [Current crush] None [Current job] None The last time... [Last book you read] um...never [Last movie you saw]shaun of the dead [Last thing you ate] Chocolate..PIE! [Last person you talked to on the phone] Best mate..Nellie Do you... [Do drugs?] Noooo!..hehehe [Have a dream that keeps coming back?] ya [Play an instrument?] Kinda [Believe there is life on other planets?] No [Remember your first love?] Ya [Still love him/her?]No [Read the newspaper?] Some times [Have any gay or lesbian friends?] I have a few bi friends [Believe in miracles?]No [Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] no [Consider yourself tolerant of others?] ya [Consider love a mistake?] masnjdagygu? [Have a favorite candy?] Candy floss! [Believe in astrology?] You what? =S [Believe in magic?] No [Believe in God?]No [Do well in school?]Nah [Go to or plan to go to college]yeah..mabe [Wear hats?] Sometimes [Hate yourself?] ya [Have an obsession?]ya [Have a secret crush?]no [Do they know yet] wtf is your problem i said NO! [Collect anything?] idk [Have a best friend?] yep [Close friends?] ya [Like your handwriting?]No..i cant read it [Care about looks?] Yes Love life [First crush] 4 me to know [First kiss] Kyle [single or attached?] single [Ever been in love?] ya [Do you believe in love at first sight?] No [Do you believe in "the one?"]No [Describe your ideal significant other] Nice eyes..nice body..likes to have fun..Faithfull Juicy stuff... [Have u ever played a game that required removal of clothin?]ya [Are you a tease?] ya! [Shy to make the first move?] Kinda Are you a... [Wuss] no [Druggy] noh! [Daydreamer] yes [Freak] no. [Dork] nah [Bitch/Asshole]bitch yeah..sometimes [Brat]No [Sarcastic]ye [Angel] angel gone bad ;) [Devil] Yeah [Shy] Kinda [Talkative] when i want2be [Flirty] ya
Read 4 comments
haha!! My knee.. haha.. I saved before I wrote my entry!! lol.. Thats funn. Yea.. that sounded.. weird.. haha. sry bout that!!! FALSE ALARM PPL!!!!!!!

tehe! ♥ Nicole!!!!!!!!!
hey, how do you get the picture in the top left corner of your page?
this is the start
this is the end.

lol, awesome, im not the only one who freaks out. and sorry for the delay of returning the comment, my comp is fucked. anyways, bye