Chinese fantasy

Well, I'm all signed up for school........ one whole class this semester. Guess that's what I get for waiting till the very last second to register. Oh well, more time to work and make money I suppose. I got invited out for drinks the other night by my boss. It was the night before her 22nd birthday and I guess she felt like celebrating early. She's a cutie. Unfourtunantly she's not single, but it was fun anyway. What else is new..... hmmm. Not much really. My grandmother had brain surgery about a week ago. She's doing very well. It was her fourth or fifth one, and she's going to have to have another one in a few months. Stupid tumor. Austin has been... well..... boring as fuck to tell the truth. Mostly because both of my roomates are complete hermits who play video games all damn day every damn day. I'm just now starting to get to know the people at work well enough to hang out sometimes. Of course, most of them annoy the hell out of me. Heh. I heard from my ex (who lives up here) a few weeks ago. Hadn't talked to her in a little over a year. She's preagnant. Ha, better him than me. Still, it was kind of dissapointing to find out that he's the third guy she's dated since me, and I haven't dated anyone else since her. Kinda sad really. I need to get out more. Oh, and I'm currently saving up money to go to China for a week or two. Probaly going to go in August, so I've still got some time to save up. Anyway, that's all I've got for now. Hope everyone is doing well. C'ya later.
Read 6 comments
never did make it to china
big jump between entries, eh? i love the username. and the entries aren't bad at all. :]
thank you back. and for the friend add.
Thank you. Im sure everything will work out. sorry about your grandma.
hey vance, its the 24 give me a call! Will you brink me back a souvenir from China?
drop me a line
- Janette