Tucking Dissapointment in my Belt

Severed ties, reign through the streets as your words lie on my bed i don't know what to do with them hang em outside with pins? or let them wrinkle on my sheets? pick your life now wear the white, or bury in the black where your going now, there's no way back Wipe your feet before you go You want to look professional because you may never know if they need your kind in heaven Underline what i have to say may not be important, but listen in hey girl, you might be hard to like might be sent from hell to have a new sin tucked under my belt, could i really handle another confession? to a father, who already declares me liable for depression Done so much for you, but you, your just another bad thought in my head but it feels like so much more I just want to know, Am i going to have to purchase a set of wings or will i just float through the ceiling tiles? the frequency in telephones, are horrible in heaven every number you'd dial static, and no reception good luck for me telling her nothing more than what a dissapointment you really were. Brothers and sisters hold hands we'll celebrate together for what seems to never end never breaks but finds its way to bend
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