They're all gone!! T.T *cry cry* Locke, Kat, and Tiger have all left me! At least I still have James...
No one seems to like James. It's like they all hate him or something. All of my friends. It's like they just can't pretend to like him, at least. They're always mean to him and yelling at him and making fun of him.I love him, but they don't seem to care... Well, Tiger's pretty cool about it, though. She thinks he's a cutie, too. But the others... they're my best friends. The least they could do is try to accept him.
I got ungrounded last night. It was great! I was on the phone all night with James and Kat. Mostly Kat. She's awesome. I love her! ^^ We're all going to bomb places! I get the High School! I think... ^^? *blonde*
I called Bryanna yesterday before soccer practice. She seems to be doing fine. I got her address in case I get grounded again. ^^ I love and miss her so much. She will always be my sister at heart!
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you can send it if you want, it's easier. i can't wait.
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