Johhny and the baby are ok. *sighs in relief* Ok, last night, Danny had to take Johhny to the hospital because she was bleeding really bad. We all thought she might lose the baby. Well, they kept her overnight and we have just found out that her and the baby are fine! ^^ I might be going to the movies today with James... if Danny and Johhny takes us... I hope they do... sorry, longer entry later! EDIT~ Danny just came home and turns out we're not going to the movies after all... *sighs* I should be used to letdown by now, huh. *smiles weakly*
Read 9 comments
*dances* She's going to the mov-ies! She's going to the mov-ies!
Finally :D
Let me know how it goes.
yeah people are sooo stupid!!
hey. i had a good time...
i'll think of that nickname soon, i'll tell you as soon as i think of a good one.
much love
: P
it's been a while since i've been around. i'm very very glad that they are both okay. i'm also very sorry that you couldn't go to the movies:( That happened to me too, Friday night. *sigh* I suppose we shall just move on with our lives. Hope you have a great day. *hugs* kat
Hey I'm glad things worked out!
I have a better idea. Instead of going to the theatre, I'll send you some home vids of me giggling, and you and James can mock me.*thumbs up*
btw, that was me down there. the "Anonymous note" was highlighted by default, so naturaly I clicked it...
Pfft, of course I'm not stupid. I'm uber-smart!...In my own little stupid world...
And I'm sure you wouldn't mock my giggling. *shifty eyes*
I always get the let down too, don't feel bad :( It sucks sometimes. I hate that weird sinking feeling whenever that happens....
