vegas bitches.

Listening to: hopesfall
Feeling: torn
i went to the thrice show in vegas on saturday, it was really fun except vegas kids cant dance worth a shit. My younger cousin Chase and i went into the pit area and started hardcore dancing all california style, and all the vegas kids were like "wtf?" all they do is run in circles punching at the air, its pretty funny looking. Then we climbed out of the pit and onto the stage area and sat there yelling "play phoenix ignition!!" over and over at my cousin until he got pissed and said "if you wanna hear it so bad, you play it" and threw a pissy fit and walked off stage, so we went out and got through about half of it before he came back out and kicked us off, the bitch. other than that things were good. The guy from Dashboard smells like axe, and its really gross, i dont remember his name but i got to meet him. it was ok i guess, he's a little to emo for me. thats about it. oh yea, friday a buncha people are going to Raging Waters in San Demis, be there or be dead. loveKEL
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i wont be there and i wont be dead maybe ill be emo but meh o well
ur little ninja turtle dancy dude is the best!!!

i wuv him.