
My name in German class is Felix. Hehe, I love it. I was wearing my Felix The Cat shirt at the time too. I know it's actually a guy's name, But the girl's names suck. I'm getting irritated with my English class. Somehow there is always a comment that talks about god or church. It annoys me. Everyone in my class is a Christian. Or at least that's what it seems like. We talked about a forbidden apple? And everyone knew it was from the bible. Oh well.
----------- In accordance with the new atkins low carb craze, Smirnoff claims that its vodka has 0 carbs... Well so does heroin but..... its got a lot of... well... HEROIN! -----------
Read 12 comments
i hate that...in my class people know things from the bible that i dont because im an athiest...it really sucks sometimes haha and felix is an awesome name!
Felix means 'the lucky' its a nice name imo, hehe have fun with german :)
Guten Tag!
I had a friend named Felix once...he was a squirrel. After he ate my brother's friend George the rabbit, we had to chase him away with sticks.
My name in french class is Yvette...

Damn school and religion.
Great name Felix.. Hot ass name.. really!
FeLix? awesome, I saw the pic you had with the felix shirt, he rocks...anyways what religion are you? I think they should keep religions out of school.....tripandfallonthehottguy
Haha, Felix, thats such an awesome name.
*lmmfaO!* aww...im sooo sorry. god at skool TOTALLY blows. they do that in my Geography class alot. just try and ignore their stupid shit. dood, your German name rocks hard core. even if it is a guy's name. love the Atkins/Smirinoff thing. thats awesome. now, i can get wasted without having to worry about gaining any weight! *lol* later.
I love the clock that the eyes move back and forth on, my g'ma had one.....thanks for the long comment, yeah it kinda does suck, and I'm kinda depressed but hey life moves on right....I wouldn't worry about the guy or being irrestible, our worst critics are ourselves, and you seem kinda humble, so you are probably really hot and just don't say it, but anyways, if you find a guy you really like, don't worry about how you look and just go for it
I can't speak it well at all.
I just started taking it this year.
And I suck. Heh.
apple? hm, bible..lol..i kno wut they are and stuff, but juss pretending to be dumb...sorry, how have ya been?
Apparently ALL spirits have 0 carbs