fucking pulled over for no reason!

Feeling: isolated
ok, what the fuck! i got pulled over for no fucking reason! alls i did, was pull out of my neighborhood, onto that main street, and this cop pulled me over. he asked for my liscense, and then walked back to his car for 10 mins, came back, gave me my liscense, and said have a goodnight, that was a whole waste of my time!
Read 8 comments
cops suck but sublime rocks!
I really like your diary..and sublime is one of my fave bands.i got a ticket once..it sucked.
thats beyond bizarro!
Dude, I was pulled over once because I had a nice shirt hanging up in the back of my car hanging one one of those nobs to hang shirts on in the back seat of cars, and the cop accused me of stealing it because, and I quote "I am not the type to wear those kind of clothes." I probably coulda sued him for saying something like that.
Some cops are really effin lame. Things are going good. How are things for you?
that is fucking bullshit! they have to give you a reason for pulling you over.. its the law... fucking ignorant...cops.. ugh.
gosh people dont like cops. it makes me sad. some cops are nice... :(
Pchhh...talk about pointless.
What is wrong with that person?!
