Psycology Study

Today I took part in a psychology study on impression formation. Basically it involved answering a whole lotta personality questionnaires then doin some random stuff like: they had a "computer problem" so i had to go sit in a "waiting room" with some hot girl while we where recorded on some (poorly) hidden cameras. So I pretended I hadn’t seen them and we had a nice conversation about random stuff till the problem was “fixed” (turns out she was plant but i have no idea wat they where lookin for) and I had to do this thing kinda like those old dating game shows where some girls ask you questions like "what is your perfect lifestyle?" via video link and then rate you on whether they would want to get to know you more. I got given the sheets back that they where filling out about me but I figured I probably didn’t want to know what they where saying so I didn’t look. I bet the guy who runs the study is still trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me!! Rest of the day was way less interesting and basically involved lectures and a lab. Read a random article about codes today so here’s one for you to try: Wvlce heeot orvoh syeke acrin
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check out skankyho's diary. its hot!
check out skankyho's diary. its hot!