Dating Game

Feeling: amorous
Creg broke up with Reena and asked me out. I said no, but I really didn't want to. I just don't want Reena to be more pissed at me than she already is. I hate the rule, friends' ex-boyfriends are off-limits. There aren't that many guys in this town, let alone gay/bi ones. That just narrows it down more. So, I think I might go out with him. I really like him, and I know it would piss Reena off, but she sleeps around all the time behind his back, she needs to get over it. Anyway. Let's see, what's been going on...... I haven't been in school, I've been skipping, so there isn't even anything to talk about. I haven't really been in the mood to be around people, so I'm in my room mostly. Been hanging out at the skate park. Not much else. Well, I'm gonna go. See you later. Cheerio. *** I asked him out this morning :-D I went to the park around seven or o because I couldn't sleep, and he was there, talking to Reena. Apparently Reena and him talked about everything that happened to them and smoothed things over, but they didn't want to get back into it. So I apologized to Reena, and then when she left, I asked Creg out and he said yes. I told Reena later, and she said it was okay. Anyway. We're going to the movies tonight. I can't wait :-D Okay, I'm off. Meeting Brinni and Alli at the skate park. Cheerio.
Read 20 comments
Yay!!! =D I don't really know you, but I'm really happy for you!!!! =P

I wish I was as lucky as you are =P

yeah i knew that, but i tried anyway. heh. it was worth a try.
yeah i know your name theres no way sie would let me forget plus ive seen you on her account a few times well anyhoo nice to meetcha

and congrats with the new b/f hope you guys stay happy forever with a minimum on the drama!!!
hi well my names jordan i heard about you from sie and she says youre really cool and all so i want/have to get to know you. by the wizzay, your layout is awesome

im gonna eat a crack muffin (marshmellow) bye
Ahhh, I can't believe we're online at the same time! :P So, spill it! How'd the date go?!

lol thats only like random shit thrown down in 3 minutes but thank you ...i wonder what would happen if i took the time to think about it...prolly would get all fucked up ....u need to up date mad i want to know how you and your guy are doin or if that chik is pissed off...this is the worst cliff hanger ever...worse then lost! talk to you soon ...bye
Can't give up on chicks dude. I'm the eternal optimist and keep suffering in the hopes that the "perfect" girl is out there somewhere waiting for me. I just have to hope I'm not dead by then. :P
hey your on lol...i dotn remembe that part about asking him out hmm must be new well thats awsome m happy for you ^_^. well drop by chek out what i wrote today cuz its allways news hope you had a good one! BLAM NUGGET....lmao
Me not with a guy? Wow. That sorta scares me. I hate not having a guy, I get too damn lonely that way...

I guess I'll just see what happens. If Sean turns out to be an ass, I'll tell him to fuck off....

Thanks for the advice, hun =)

Oh, yay for boys. <3

Yeh, I like Boys II Men. Glad I'm not the only one!
in case you didnt get that lol thank you i left you a message that anchorage u talked about cuz welldammit im from there and you sounds interesting lol talk to me gah!
thats awesome! i hope everything goes well with him. have fun at the movies *wink* lol.

and im glad she isn't pissed off at you, its never fun when your friends are mad at you :/ hoping this week will get better, last week was tough :( wish me luck! lol.
ooh haha its cool its cool
haha yeah but theres still always the tiniest chance its real... i like to ignore that chance but times like these it starts to bug me
u should go out with him, she will get over it
no problem.

and i think you should go out with him, you only live once.

i let other people get in the way of being with the girl i love...and when i finally decided i wasnt going to let them make my descisions for me anymore, it was too late...

so i say, go for it.
indeed ...well indeed lol....i think im gonna go here soon and and write some shit down about how goofy i feal now that i have a freind lol ill end this with a quote " thats what you say when your fallin down thats what you get when your through with me !" - motion city soundtrack....
wow falling in lvoe here....we have alot in common lol your are now on my friends list...this its like 11 0r 12 there comments lol! i dunno what to say...i miss my freinds to ..i just moved to south dakota from atlanta..god so much music there i miss it lol
Well gawd hurry up allready...i think i broke into west sides pool once and got chased by the cobs half naked ith 4 freinds of mine....dont know why but i jsut remembered any kinda anything i can talk to you like a damn half human lol ...i think your the only person in alaska who i still know who
GAH yes haha name is nate and i used to live in southport by jewel lake and i went to mears middle school and bayshore before i left in 2001 gah u got yahoo? i thelost on there if yer wanna chat lol