funny shit

Feeling: adored
well i stink bombed mrs. maloney. lol. Now everybodies like your my hero. its great, but a bunch of bullshit. The principal called the cops but nobody could make it to 'burg because they were busy. I could have been charged with a felony and some other dumb shit but i only got 3 days of ISS, pretty I LOVE YOU BRITTANY. I cant wait till i get 2 see u again. Oh yea and FUCK YOU mrs. maloney. who cares if u get dissapointed. nobody likes you cant you see that.I HAVE A PENIS. I LOVE YOU BRITTANY once
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haha stink bombing teachers.. sweet!
haha awesome! even tho I already knew about it..I LOVE YOU TOO! :) and you need to find out about tomorrow!! grrrrr..yes you do. TOMORROW IS MY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL BABY! hehe..I hope your last days in ISS aren't too bad for ya haha..

See ya soon, love ya,
my hamster's name is so twitch.
of course.
Brandon, I already told you.. but you really are my hero!! Maloney deserved that shit! She's a dumbass.. we pissed her off yesterday while she was reading an article.. we kept making noises and shit hehe she was so pissed! SHE DESERVES EVERY BIT OF IT!! And that ISS shit is gay. It's not that big of a deal. Jesus Tits!
