*[33] ¢¾kidding?

she said she was kidding.. i dont think so. oh, and by the way ... i hate it when people mess with my friends. and on one more note... hey anonymous... who commented my entry, fuck you. if you don't have the balls to say that to me with your name, then just fuck you. kay? sounds good. pussy.
Read 7 comments
pussy...fun to play with...don't you think
Nope just super bored!!!
i was making fun of the anonymous comment, if you didn't catch the sarcasm=/ and i didn't mean it towards you in my entry where i said no one reads or comments. i just meant in general no one really reads it lol. but i couldn't stay away i love updating on sitD haha. think nothing of the anonymous comments it was probabbly just some random fag who knew saying that just might get to you. you just have to shrugitoffbecauseobviouslythey'reapussy;)
You are a whore.
hunny just make it so only your friends can comment. This fuckwitt obviously has no life so has to sit at the computer all day writing insults to make them feel good.

aww doesnt that just make you smile??


anyways hun, how are you?? :) Ignore that girl shes a bitch.
screw em...if they cant leave a name, I say fuck em.... ur better off with out them....