What a long week!!!

I'm so tired right now!!! My fourth of July was fun, First off we ate at Lori Warhol's house (Shes a friend of ours) and after we ate we went out on Big Butternut on their pontoon. its really little and there were about 14 of us crammed on there!!!. well we went about the perfect time because when we got back it was 10:00. after that we did fireworks by the lake for 40 minutes or so and I got home at obout 11:00. Well, I went for my Licence and failed. 25 points and lower is a pass and I got a 29. It was because I "hesitated" when pulling out from a stop, LOL...Yeah right. oh...and then she was saying how I backed up traffic at a 4-way stop(I took it in Ladysmith) but there was no one behind me the WHOLE time. I'm over it though, I'm not the first, LOL... -Wyndsong
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lol...wow...long time no talk...srri to hear bout ur drivers test...thats sad...n e ways...comment to me with what ur up to...i feel like i havent talked to ya in 4ever

awwe that sucks...good luck on finding it...:)