boreddd once again!

Feeling: bubbly
hey guys today was web but of course i didnt have a ride so i kinda just walked around the school and watched ppl do their homework and help if they needed! yeahh~ haha emily just asked me the weirdest questionEm SwEeTiE 89: what is the one thing that sounds really exciting to do...right now---for you? Em SwEeTiE 89: like...if you could do ANYTHING in the world RaChL 1 4 8: watch a really super funny episode of raymond or jump off a blob or a cliff or something or omg yes GO ON THE SUPERMAN RIDE! haha! yeah well i cudnt go to the y tonite :/ the guy to redo our kitchen came over and stayed forever yeah! rachael
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Man, I wish I had some random person helping me with my homework.
Do go pee, we don't need any accidents happening :o
By the way, I love that dancing stick figure.