and when the rain blows, as shadows grow close don't be afraid there's nothing you can't face
rainnyy day. bad day.
so yesterday i went running with emily then we stopped at the club house and went tanning...felt REALLY good. then went shopping with her and her fam. haha boy and those reefs i was like WELLL ur mom isnt gonna let you get them...might as well forget it...hahah ANd she really didnt let her :-D haha im gonna get shot.:D
anyway..then today i have about 3 tests and then some more quizzes. the math test, i thought i was gonna cry, not even kidding. i looked at it and im like OHhhh shit. i wish i studied.
thenn in homeroom shelli just HAS to bring a really bad picture of me to school. JOY. so after i crumbled it up alex gets to look at it, makes fun of me ...anddd then it gets ripped into pieces :D boy then emily brings the fifth grade picture and im wearing RAINBOW socks up to my knees..thats was wacky day :] me emily nicole lauren and shannon are in it. we so cuTe. id say me and marisa look the most idiotic.
todays the big haircut day.
tommorows spring break. im thrilled.