
i steal trick-or-treat candy from my little brother. i must be a horrible person. had a dentist's appointment @ 10. so of course i skipped the whole day of school... and convinced mom to get me a cell phone. Sony Ericsson, 500 peak minutes--yeah. whenever i dont go to school, good things happen. i think its a sign. lynsi has chicken pox. i was with lynsi all saturday. i have strange red spots on my back, outer thighs and foot. connect the dots. im scurred. i know i've said it before, but im sick of giving out codes to random people who never comment back. the way i do my page makes it mine, and i'd rather not have 319811 sites that look exactly the same. those on my friends list/those who already have my AIM sn.. i'll be happy to hook you up. [[sunni]]
Read 29 comments
but its okay. a lot of people get me and courtney confused for some reason. especially on the fellytone. our voices supposedly sound the same.
wats xoxo?
ok added whats up
ps yes indeed i did notice, and yes it IS quite rad
sry, i reply to my comments as i read them hehe
iono, random people who have it on their sites.
what do you mean they think i want their codes? what codes? lol isnt it just html...
yeah...i meant to say who old are you. sometimes i do that. sorry.
holy buddah word limits suck. well give me your sn.



i refuse to sign in even if it means leaving 26 comments to say one thing.

dude. i have no style. its sad. i want shirts. not that i dont have any
i should just sign in or something. no. i have this huge urge to go shopping or like..thrifting. that'd be super duper right now. i got more to say...
its true. i am a whore. nerds. give or take. ha. my porn star name is Paris. roxy's is um..candy. i named her because she didn't like my first choice
oh. i don't have your sn and i thought you meant on your diary. because you usually have br&new lyrics at the end or somewhere inbetween. pinktoenails
ps: dammit, i dont have AIM!!!!! oy ive been dying to get the code for the backwards-link thing, and every person i ask (honestly, its like 7 people now) they jsut dont reply back. **FRUSTRATION**!
whoa, zoster? hehe it sounds really cool... you could just go around being like "I have ZOSTER!" and people would ooh and aah...
at least thats how things happen in my head. not too sure what normal people would think about it tho lol.
thx a bunch for the good wishes :) hehe
10 spots? maybe you chould see a doc if you haven't already. are they itchy? have u gotten chicken pox before? sry lol just curious.
im glad youre never gonna commit suicide. i used to try to when i was like 13. but now i realized how insesnitive i is to jsut leave your friends to cope wiht the death of a person they love... honestly, why do that?
god damnit i have to sign in because i always get cut off.

yea we are the same height but she believes shes an inch taller. NOT. maybe a centimeter. and we have the same shoe size except i think hers is a wee bit bigger. and um...we don't look the same so i dunno. and our names start with c..

don't stress yourself out over who's who because you seemed to be already super confused.

im afraid to take a shower. damn the grudge.
HAHA i do the same thing! my brother were sleeping and im like.. hmm that looks good.. he has a few of those... haha
im christine.

courtney is james

and roxy...just moved here and doesn't have a diary as far as we know.


you're horribly wrong
Yeah, well, you know I'm only commenting you to butter you up for when I ask you for your codes. ;) Heheh.
i have NO idea what you are talking about.

what tide?

are you talking about an aim sn?

im soooo lost
i have your sn?
who old are you???
you still don't have a cell???
i do, it's a flip phone.
you got to miss school today...not fair. Yes buttfreak is a word i made up. it not really a bad word sooo... i can say i when ever i want to with out geting in big troble
yeah hes knows
no he has a gf thats why im not all over flirting with him fighting with his gf...im such a loser for not going after what i want @ all :( all i freaking do is wish and it nv happens
hey can you help me get the enrties on this side if you have AIM my screen name is Jahna x3
dont be scurred!! you know what i was talking about smallpox wiht my mom whos a doctor and she said "ya in my time they vaccinated us by giving us ONE pox of cowpox, and that stopped the otehr one" cuz the milkmaids would get cowpox on their hands and theyd be the only people wiht beautiful un-scarred faces because the pox on their HANDS built their immune system so they wouldnt catch smallpox.
just a trusty bit of random information
lol this is esther this dairy has more thought in it like it's deeper ill add you on my buddy list =)
the used!!!woot well i dont make out with ppl well not the much =) i bet you do!! =) i might c the used here in l.a 4 the warped tour and work with them thats cool you get to drive sooon
I managed to snag a few pieces of candy from my niece while she was here yesterday. Nothing too special though, just a couple packs of chewable sweet tarts.

I didn't know Lynsi had the chicken pox. She's been complaining about not feeling good but she didn't mention why. I had it when I was really little so I doubt I'll get it again.


heck yes we should
and oh yeah ur lucky i tried for so long to get my dad to get me a cell phone and he finally was like ok then he didnt go through with it haha i was so mad