i steal trick-or-treat candy from my little brother. i must be a horrible person.
had a dentist's appointment @ 10.
so of course i skipped the whole day of school...
and convinced mom to get me a cell phone.
Sony Ericsson, 500 peak minutes--yeah.
whenever i dont go to school, good things happen.
i think its a sign.
lynsi has chicken pox.
i was with lynsi all saturday.
i have strange red spots on my back, outer thighs and foot. connect the dots.
im scurred.
i know i've said it before, but im sick of giving out codes to random people who never comment back. the way i do my page makes it mine, and i'd rather not have 319811 sites that look exactly the same. those on my friends list/those who already have my AIM sn.. i'll be happy to hook you up.
sry, i reply to my comments as i read them hehe
what do you mean they think i want their codes? what codes? lol isnt it just html...
dude. i have no style. its sad. i want shirts. not that i dont have any
at least thats how things happen in my head. not too sure what normal people would think about it tho lol.
thx a bunch for the good wishes :) hehe
im glad youre never gonna commit suicide. i used to try to when i was like 13. but now i realized how insesnitive i is to jsut leave your friends to cope wiht the death of a person they love... honestly, why do that?
yea we are the same height but she believes shes an inch taller. NOT. maybe a centimeter. and we have the same shoe size except i think hers is a wee bit bigger. and um...we don't look the same so i dunno. and our names start with c..
don't stress yourself out over who's who because you seemed to be already super confused.
im afraid to take a shower. damn the grudge.
courtney is james
and roxy...just moved here and doesn't have a diary as far as we know.
you're horribly wrong
what tide?
are you talking about an aim sn?
im soooo lost
you still don't have a cell???
i do, it's a flip phone.
no he has a gf thats why im not all over flirting with him fighting with his gf...im such a loser for not going after what i want @ all :( all i freaking do is wish and it nv happens
hey can you help me get the enrties on this side if you have AIM my screen name is Jahna x3
just a trusty bit of random information
I didn't know Lynsi had the chicken pox. She's been complaining about not feeling good but she didn't mention why. I had it when I was really little so I doubt I'll get it again.