
Listening to: bush - kerry
Feeling: interested
watching the presidential debate. im for kerry, one because bush has already had four years and has screwed up. why give him another four? secondly, we're helping iraq build a police force and firefighters while those things are being cut over here. preventing another attack like 9/11 is important but the quality of life is declining in America. anyways, it doesnt matter, i can't vote. = [ saturday is the scavenger hunt. i have no doubt we (kirsten, lynsi & i) will dominate. kyle and i won the golf thing, a couple wednesdays ago. we're getting a trophy!
rock the vote, bitches. N
Read 15 comments
rock the vote..haha cool :)
i like shopping but sometimes i get all frustrated if my moms there cuz we never agree on anything thats why i prefer going with friends. i just want a normal jean skirt..its kinda short but its cute. im going to watch shark tale..ode to joy.
wow i seem to be the only person who DIDNT watch the debate (yeah even all us canadians have been hoping bushie will get the hell outa there lol). i heard bushie did awful

nice choice! bush is an idiot!

beat some ass
no background..so white. simplicity is nice.
i also like kerry. i think bush is an idiot and if it wasnt for him, maybe my friend wouldnt be in the army rihgt now fighting some ridiculous war. *frustrated* ohh well, i can't vote either ..

a l i*
do it naked.
Andy sometimes talked about Raechel when we were still going out. Every time I'd see him he'd say "So I'm getting the hook up on some killer tats..." I wish him luck with her.

I can't wait for homecoming!


hey Sunni, it's just me jimmy.I like your sit it's so wicked. what kind of music do you like?

hey Sunni, it's just me jimmy.I like your sit it's so wicked. what kind of music do you like?

I would vote for Kerry too. Except I can't vote. Too bad, so sad... Peace out!
it doesnt make me mad it makes me sad :( cuz nirvana is totally awesome and a lot of ppl just dont get it...
lol o well wtv.
ya i tend to call him bushie lol...
love the new background.

yeah i am on student council. im the secretary but everyone can work on their grades float.

what does your dress look like for homecoming?

I am into politics and would like to be a senator some day or representative.