
something is fucked up with my knee. i swear, i.m getting old before my time. die young and alone. thats the way to go. i finally found a comment picture. i like it so much, i comment myself just so i can see it. i haven.t seen anyone else with it, so if i start... someones gonna get their ass handed to them on a platter. Ysunni
Read 18 comments
hello love sorry to hear about your knee hope it gets better.that commet picture is net no to sure if it is better then you last one not to sure i saw your last one. hmm ya hope everything is going well.
i'm in love with your layout. nice work. :) your header thingy is tres cool. :)
i like that new icon you made its cute.

what is the code so no one can steal like my background and so forth?
im back and in action
hey homo...no homie.

OMG can you pleasse please tell me how to make your words go upside down or backwords!!

--->xhiddenbeauty <---
Nice new layout, as usual haha. Ouch I have like a memory problem I think I have alzhemiers haha. Die young and save yo self. I like that icon you made it's cute.
Sunni strikes again with a kickass icon...
like wh0a.
1600 is the best score you can get on the SATs. im not really sure about the ACTs. i did pretty bad i think on them

trixie is me
and yes i am moving to Guam

yes if i was lesbian i would so stalk her

i kinda take back what i said about nicole kidman being beautiful,shes boring to me(really dull eyes,ya know) but shes pretty..but her aura is dull

i rock too

fortuntately yours

trixe cecilman
haha nice
and good job, you're the first and ONLY person who has mentioned that the lyrics are brand new. you win the award of... awesomeness... YAY!
you havent seen that picture? i have. i used to have that.

i dont know where it went. oh well.

i dont imagine thats how you spell
but i spell it how i want to

whats crackalackin?
its nice


i want a lama
sweet icon.


christine. a list of 100 things. that'd be boring

nice picture like both of them they are puuurrrdyy