No Freakin Way

Yes Freakin Way. Long time no...write. Yeah anyway i've been up to nothing Same routine as always School.Sleep.Depression.Happiness.Confusion hmm.. Tomorrow is friday. at last. school is killing me. the teachers atleast i cant wait till this weekend!! Saturday ill hopefully b hitin up the *mall* and mayb goin to see *when a stranger calls* or something and just hang out w/ dad AND its nick and my 1- month anniversery :) SUNDAY = SUPERBOWLLL YO! GO STEELERS! Heck yes. I think im goin to nicks for the day hanign out w/ the gang eating and watching the game hopefully Knowing my mom though ille ver get there late or leave early grr. Hopefully things will way Yeah idk i dont feel good and i really need to try and focus on homework or not. mayb ill just work on muh art proj. yeah. Lv it.
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Oh shit yeah. Hawthorne Heights and Thrice are the effing bomb.
Nice SD. And good call on the Super Bowl. If the Panthers had gotten in, they would have kicked the Steelers ass though.