Listening to: Roses - OutKast
Feeling: annoyed
Ok today was almost hell--- well parts. Me and Tyler made a goal and it was to get Roses stuck in lots of peoples heads and.. well... we did. But the most annoying thing as when someone would correct you and yet your singing to the radio version. like come on lil and little bit-hello??? yah they change but come on! I dont burst your bubble. Why do you have to be so tecnical??? ANYWAYS! Today Tyler B. saw Cole in the hall so he was giving the *call me* signal and Mr. Plishke saw it so he waved beck at Tyler and gave him a phone number.. I think their goingt o prank it.... Ok my joke of the day is: there was a Indian, American, and a Canadian all sitting at a round table drinking beer. Then when the Indian finished he threw his cup in the air and shoots it. the Canadian's like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" ahh we got lots of them. So then The American finished and he threw his cup in the air and shoots it. the Canadian's like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" ahh we got lots of them. So then the Canaidan finished and he threw his cup in the air and shoots the Indian. The American says: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" ahhh we got lots of them.!.! LMFAO My uncle told me that when he was drunk... and it was the first thing that popped into my mind this morning. well I g2g bUh bYE! P.S. I have 21 days untill I move P.S.S. I made a new friend and his name is Malcom.
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