15 dAYS...

Feeling: active
ok. I went to my cabin on Friday, I didn't do much but SLEEP IN MY ROOM! lol... My room is FINALLY DONE!!! On Saturday, All I did was ride the quad...yes that's right I got to ride to quad again! then the rest of the day was just "who could kill the most flys" kinda thing On Sunday...lmao! whooo! totally WAY FUNNIER then Sat. ok my cousin was staying at Rossburn Lake...or somethign like that.. so the whole family comes because we rairly get to see them, and their was some of my budds fishing across the lake so then I got to see Chase, Craig, Adam, and Aaron(not my cousin)again! But they didn't know me and Kelly were their so they went skinny dipping......... yes.... that's right.... WE TOOK THEIR CLOTHES ha ha ha it was sooooooo funny.. well There's me acting like my retarded self I had to go on to the dock and act like a fool... and well... I flew right into the water. good thing I was in a swim suit... bad thing was that it tied up... so chase undid my swimsuit and kelly.. my good friend.. she threw shoes at them giving me time to get out of the water and put on Aaron's shirt. the best thing about that was.. Aaron, Craing, Adam, and Chase are sooo not bad lookin! After wards we made a campfire, and Chase started to hit on me... so I had to move all the way beside Kelly, and she kinda informed me that they never knew about Kyle... and then It was all quiet after that so then Aaron drove me and kelly back to the little family meeting on the other side of the lake.. then me and my cousin watched 2Fast 2 Furious. On Monday Me and Aaron(my cousin that we rarely get to see) went fishing at the end of the dock, and I was wearing Chase's pants from yesterday... stupid me... Aaron likes to do this fancy cast and he ripped his pants.. and they fell right off of me because they were too big... the WORST part was that I was wearing a thong, and the WHOLE camp that was their saw my butt! and then my cousin cody..hes like 2yrs old, and he took off his clothes and hes was running around in his little spiderman diaper trying to be like me... I thought it was so cute... but then Adam being a butthead had to moon me and said "look at me in Jen" I felt so bad.. But I felt alittle proud of my butt because chad yelled out NICE ASS! But Otherwise it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny! well I ahve to go. bUh bYE
Read 6 comments
SOUNDS LIKE YOU HAD AN EVENTFUL WEEKEND! ;-) haha. you DO have a nice ass Jen. Luv it! Call me ;-)
no i did not draw those pictures i wish i did
haha yes i know :0) i looove it here...thanks for the comment..i like your diarryy!
whew!it took me a while to figure out how to write a comment!all i have to say is wow and must have been an interesting weekend!
you know when you put the mouse on whatever link you wanna click on, and the link like, lights up in your diary? how do you get it to do that?
well at least you seem to be getting out sometimes. who is [badcat]?