Listening to: Papa Roach - Scars
Feeling: slaphappy
My day.. was Fine. It was hard to wake-up this morning at 6:30. Im SO use to waking up at like.. 9. I honestly Miss my spares.. I miss haveing only one class in the morning. SO now my day will be.. Math, Ela, Science, lunch, Social, and graphics. In graphics im behind. In science.. my grade has lowered to... 69%.. I always get 69. for everything. Its annoying me. Why cant it just be rounded off to 70? ...Other then missing my spares, I think I will enjoy my school day. At lunch Sarah and I went outside, and talked. I enjoyed it. I think it was so much better then just sitting in the caferateria and talking. In social.. we watched a BORING movie.. again. like he make us watch the exact same boring movie as yesterday. the only thing diffrent about this class, was that Alex sat beside me. Im so glad he sat beside me, because I felt retarded being by myself. Then in graphics class... I thought I was doing SO freeking awesome on my.. house project, and even my teacher did. then I noticed a problem, and now I have to start all over, and erase everything.. yet you can still see everything once it has been erased, and I'll lose marks for that. fun fun.. Well. That was my oober-awesome day.
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you guys get 4 different schedules?! That's crazy and un-fair.
Hey! It's been a long time since we've talked at all. I hope you're doing all right. So it seems like your new school schedule is tolerable.

Talk to you later.