thE bUS

Listening to: U2
ugh, I worte an entry, but sd screwed it... but this week has been really weird.. ok I sat with Ben on the bus a couple of time, and already Jordan is telling peoples that I love him... So if you sit with someone, does that mean you love them??? and why are guys turned on by Masterbation?? like omg.. yah we do it... but when a guy asks you to do it, it's kinda weird.. Why are guys suck jerks when they're with there friends? Can't they be nice when they're with their friends?? And Its annoying when people will be all like I hate you, and the next second, they're acting like your best friend, just because you did something cool ..or hate you just because on of their friends dont like you... i think thatas really GAy! im really cold.. I'm going to have a hot shower.. bUh bYE
Read 2 comments
haha, thanks for the comment. my mom wasn't too mad though, so it's cool.
hey. i sit with u on the bus;)lol
i just wish that u liked me. u used i dunno y u dont anymore:( anyways c ya
From Steven