ATTN: African Americans. A need to know report.

Feeling: abused

It's not all of you, but a majority of you that has pretty much brought my patience to it's end. There is a thing that you do when services are rendered in a satisfactory manner. It's called TIPPING. I use my gas and go to your house so you could sit on your ass and avoid the burden of the outdoors. The least you could do is on a 12.60 bill is give me the 13 bucks so I could at least say I got something for it. THE TIP LINE ON A CREDIT CARD SLIP IS NOT THERE FOR SPACING!!! USE IT!!!!! We're all in a recession right now and I understand that money is tight... but would it absolutely kill you to give a dollar to the guy who saved you probably 3 bucks in gas to pick up the food yourself? I can't help myself anymore and the next time I get burned I don't know if I could contain myself from rolling my eyes at your inconsideration.

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Did you know that tipping is a cultural phenomenon? Indeed, black culture is not like white culture in such a way that white folks often can't understand black folks, to the point of racism, and sometimes to the point of discrimination. In Japan, tipping is not commonplace, and is neither required nor expected and your tip may be refused. It's not isolated to Japan either. Take into consideration that you don't know someone else's reasons or intentions, before you go judging them or the majority of their race. I'm not requiring you to, I just hope you do.