Let's Talk About Child Killing

So there was a thing in Texas that happened. A bunch of Republicans Trolled a woman trying to Filibuster a vote on a bunch of new restrictions on abortions. They want to close a bunch of centers down and make it so abortion is illegal after 20 weeks.

Let me talk about Filibusters... they are the worst fucking thing in politics. Government is already incompetant enough let alone to have a part in it that someone could literally stall out an entire vote by literally talking non-stop for over half a day. Both parties could and have used it... I want in poltics so bad right now. Because we need a new set of political minds in office who can negotiate worth a shit.

Here's what I would have done. Republicans want to ban abortion after 20 weeks. I don't see a problem with this. Pregnancy shouldn't be something you should change your mind about five months into it. But in return we make it legal up to that time threshold. Abortion is federally legal in the united states or in state of your choice up to five months after conception, but, after that five months (given a week or so because of speculation purposes) given it is not done due to medical problems that would kill the mother the fetus is then protected by law and if the woman gets an abortion after that time it is concidered murder and the doctor performing that abortion also convicted for murder. This way we toss away the whole instantces of rape, incest, or any other variables from the mix because a girl has 5 whole months to go and get herself an abortion. Something legal and most likely available readily once it becomes so shouldn't be something that a woman has to sit on and think about any more. If the guy who knocked you up bails on you, charge that sack of shit for the costs of the abortion, legally. What is the problem with this idea? A lot of tolerance towards women's rights that gives women the choice. Also the Conservatives get their 20 weeks ban in writing. state or federal money will do in making Abortion clinics available. Republicans win, You win, women win, I win, we all fucking win.

But no... because it's an all or nothing world in politics and in the mobs that support each side. Which is more fanatical? The feminists or the fundamentalist christians? They're both wrong in key ways. Abortion is a disgusting act and even if a woman has one she will be scarred for her entire life. She ended the potential of a life. In the same point Adoption services are a giant mess and more than likely a woman who doesn't want a child will find any way not to have one. Would you rather have a woman have a medically sound abortion at an early stage of pregnancy or have her have the child in her bathroom and drown it, throw it in the trash, or nearly kill herself giving her an at home abortion? No one fucking wins ever when there is an abortion, but at least I'm trying to find a middle ground. That's more then the feminists, the fundamantalist christians, or the god damned government is trying to do.

A woman stood for 13 hours today and got trolled. This was all the Rick Roll of modern politics.

The only fools in the end are the ones who think this is going to somehow change anything. Politicians are still going to do scum bag politician things and the only thing that's going to change is the name of the politician to the left of the little R. Until people start throwing bi-partisan solutions to these terribly partisan problems we will be pulling on this rope against each other til the end of fucking time.


It seems this bill was killed.

For now... because they will try again and again and again... and we will still be a world of two mobs pulling on opposite ends of the rope. This solved nothing. Abortion is still a topic that will never go away. Our great great grandchildren will still be watching this shit go on.

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