The Don't Know, Don't Care, About Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

Feeling: frustrated

I start this off by telling you all who read this thing that I listen to about 20 - 25 hours of conservative talk radio a week. I listen to Bob Longsbury, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, and Shawn Hannidy. I don't really care if I spelled any of those names wrong. You should know who at least 3 of the 4 are by the looks of the names. Longsbury is a local guy before Glenn Beck, who I've stopped listening to because his comparing everything to Nazi Germany has gotten beyond my nerves. I agree with about 50% of the stuff they talk about. That's probably generous... I'm more libertarian with conservative tendencies. One of the things that I get to a head with most of these guys are their views on the current bid to repel DADT.

I am a moral liberal... I think that gay and lesbians should have the right to marriage, so why wouldn't I want them in our military. I'm not anti-military either... which for the most part is a conservative view. I just can't stand this thing... and the main part that is so frustrating is that the liberal front is going to jam this in before people are ready to handle it.

It has just came out on a military force wide poll that only 70% of the people in our military branches would be "Not at all effected if they knew of an outted homosexual in thier brigade." I think that number should be closer to 90%... in a perfect world it'd be 100%, but I'll settle for 90%. That means 3 out of 10 people in our military will bitch and moan about someone who is homosexual working with them. That means that it would be possible that 3 out of 10 soldiers may sabatoge the war effort because they don't approve of someone's life style that shouldn't even begin to effect their daily lives. It means that 3 out of 10 people in our military might not fight as hard for someone else in our army, navy, air force, or marine forces because they are gay or lesbian. it means that 3 out for 10 people in our military will make it 10 times harder for someone who is a proud homosexual and proud american to serve his/her country he/she loves so much that they are willing to lay their life on the line for it's success.

Do you see a problem with this statistic?... I do...

30% of our military is going to make it so that even if DADT is revoked those who are homosexual and entering the military are going to find it even harder to come out that they are gay because those unfortunate people who will make it a personal mission to make their lives a living hell in a place that is already going to be hell to get through as it is. It's going to be high school all over again except that the students are all athletic men who could beat your ass or even kill you at the dead of night.

I say... if you can't fight with a homosexual who would give his or her last breath for our country in battle then fucking stay home and join the WBC.

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I don't think it'll really end up being that way. I think that saboteurs are probably in the minority. Soldiers are well-trained, physically and psychologically to train a variety of situations that they might not like, agree with, or expect. I don't know anything, but I hope that you're wrong and that a few people will be pissy, and then get the fuck over it because it's their duty to.