Lady Gaga: The Rant

Feeling: confused

Ok... here goes. Finally I'm going to give my say on this and hell with character restrictions.

So here goes. My misunderstanding of Lady gaga on parade.

1. I think Lord Gaga thinks annoyingly high of herself. She makes things about her into social issues for all of the wrong reasons... like how people don't like her music videos because of her blatant sexual imagry. She thinks it's because she's a woman... It's not... it's because everyone on the news is down on sex right now... If you are going to wave that sexist flag you better fucking know for sure that it's a sexist issue. It's not btw. Everyone is getting flack for sexualizing the music, movie, and even video game industry.

2. Some of the things she says is inspiring... some of the things she says is obsurdly self-gratifying... and some things she says like Katey's latest FB post makes her sound like a cult leader. Like she's trying to pull kids from their regular homes and into her group. I'll have to get back to you on it, but she might be a cult leader.

3. All famous people are supposed to say that they love their fans... but is this as much of a two way street as she says that it is... She says she would gladly die for her fans... ok... yeah right. Like you'd die for anyone. She says that she'd protect to her last anyone who asked for it... I seriously doubt that... unless of course it would get her name in the news or a huge public showing was going to happen as a result of it. Think of it this way... all you little monsters out there... if she didn't have all you tens to hundred thousands of little sheilds in front of her would she even be half as bold as she is? She thinks she's untouchable because she has an army of youth to battle the older gen critics she has. It's crafty... and I think it's kinda using you to her advantage.

4. I wouldn't even want to know Lady Gaga personally... she seems like a person who would spend 98% of any amount of time together talking to you about her life and her successes... and if she isn't talking about those she's talking about how hard her life is because she's a woman/pop star/gay and lesbian rights activist/sexually free in a world that frowns on sex/or whatever other things she calls anyone who critics her a sexist bastard who doesn't know what the hell they are talking about.

5. We on the outside looking in get it... because we've seen this hysteria before with her mentor... You are a sex god, Lady Gaga... fantastic... that's what you worked so hard to be... and you are. So stop complaining about everyone not worshipping you for it. We're not sexist we have tact. We don't want to see you throw your tits up at the video screne and demand we think of it as just art. Maybe someday that will be a reasonable request, but not now... we're not ready for that and you can't force it on us who don't look to you as a revolutionary.

This is still a country for old men... it's not going to change because Lady Gaga demands it so.

It's not even going to change with your target demographic

It's going to change when we look at ourselves and realize that we could be ok with it... when Religion is put on the back burner with every debate. When every little thing isn't challenged at it's moral level... when we accept that humans being human is good enough... then Lady Gaga could pretty much eat some chick out in a video and we as a people will start hearing her sing before pointing out her actions behind the scenes.

Then again... Someone like lady gaga probably won't even get made in the music business when that happens.

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