Tobacco and Peppermint

I'm remembering stolen kisses in hallways and stiffled giggles creating a lightness in my chest. I'm flying soaring with the reverbarations of your voice and the pitch of your laughter. Such sounds should be copy-written and preserved on paper and mixtapes to live forever in my head. I remember. Black shoe polish and blacker nights. Bottle-strewn back roads and the seats in your car imprinting their designs on my exposed thighs. Wet lips beg for fingertips and your touch like a branding iron, engraves your name on my tender flesh. I remember. I think in fragments of sentances and malapropisms. "You've gotta love me" "Do I?" "Yeah....In case I die soon" "......alright" I like humans. I like staring out the windows of my mother's van as it moves swiftly through the crowded street; blurring the faces of people I will never know. One pasty woman is screaming into a cellular phone, waving her chubby arms maniacally at the person on the other end of the connection. A man in a blue volvo and a necktie sings along with his radio, windows down; his expensive suit wrinkling in the wind. A clean-cut young man in a silver mustang and a white collared shirt glances at his sports watch every few seconds; waiting for the light to turn green again. I wonder if he has a dentist appointment, a job interview, a date with a long-time girlfriend he plans on proposing to tonight. But I will never know, so I turn from the window and lay my head on the pane; enjoying the soft breeze and the sound of my mother singing. I like humans. Hiding my flaws under foundation and kerosene The smell of spring is in the air and we're talking again. I missed her. Green flats and bracelets make me happy. Running barefoot through the grass makes me happy. Orange cinnamon tea makes me happy. Butterfly kisses on your belly eliciting giggles make me happy. You make me happy. I miss you. You've been gone four hours and I'm already going into shock. Tomorrow will be torturous. I switch tenses and mix metaphors all too often. I need a someone to decode my mind and straighten out my thoughts. Soon.
I Think I Love You
Read 6 comments
You are way better at writing than me. no joke. im glad you enjoyed dinner last night. it was enjoyable to have someone to be dorky with. i love you too, way more than i love emery. and way more that super-sweet-uber-hardcore-breakdowns. and i love those a lot. im a dork. and a comment whore. woo7! i think i might explode. or pass out. i need sleep. if you get this on saturday, call me if you wanna do something. cuz im all full on sunday.
-<3 jbo
come look at my diary and u can take some icons 4 free. check it out lots and leave me a comment please. thanx a million.
oh my gosh thanks so much! youre a much better writer than me seriously, i said it before and you are soo good with words

i still think youre the better writer :-)

but thank you
Well thank you.
i'm not sure why id ever be anyones hero
Wow girl you stole my braind.

I like to look out the window but when I think of those people I will never know I get sad..because i feel sort of insignificant because theres so many people i dont know and things i dont know about and they have their own lives..and its just weird.

not that i want to know everyone(GOD NO) but it gives me a weird feeling if i get into deep thinking