
Listening to: none
Feeling: bewildered
I am so confused. But hey you would too if you woke up to the sound of your mother HAMMERING a nail into the wall! She always feels the need to wake everyone up on the weekends in some very strange way! I had a great dream, but It left me confused... me and like 9 other girls were at this hotel place where there were celebrities and other famous people and wut we were doing is like we were there to like entertain them I guess or we were all jus at the same hotel on vacation I guess, I dunno. Orlando Bloom, Elijah Wood, and Dominic Monaghan were there! I think I am in an Elijah mood (phase) now....but still a bit of orli and dom! :) Anyway Elijah was like wearing this jogging sports suit or sumthin but I never saw dom or orli :(....I new they were there though because sometimes the other 9 girls and me would go over to there hotel rooms and clean them for them. The first couple times I was standing near or sitting near lij I got so excited and then I realized everyday I was near him! :) ! And then I realized the 9 girls and I were in a contest wen my mom and soso and van and all my bff (i luv ya) came to cheer me on..the thing was I didn't even know wut the contest were for! Then the host guy said "ok we will pik to people to be our winners!" I got excited because I had a chance but I didn't know wut it was for! He said the first person (by the way I was sitting next to elijah! :) !) And the contest was for American Idol! For some reason I started thinking..."Wut if I am piked! (They had singing lessons before so that we could entertain the Celebs...I didn't want to sing but everyone told me I had a wonderful voice and should but i didn't want to mess up infront of lij and orli and dom! I was the only one who didn't knwo that it was just ryouts for the contest! ) But ignoring that factor the host said....." Valerie we all know you have a wonderful voice although you didn't try out...will you please be our idol and sing for us?" Everyone cheered like how they didn't for the other person who won! And elijah hugged me really tight and kissed me on my forehead! I hid my face in my hands! I was smiling I couldn't believe it! I got to choose if i wanted to be famous! I could always hang out with orli and lij and dom and the whole cast of lotr! But I was a little shy about singing in front of a lot of people unless I am in a singing group But I said yes anyway....And you know wut....I hate wen this happens But I awoke with the sound of a hammer against my wall and I thought my dream was true! I feel foolish and confused! I really thought I was famous wen I awoke! I guess that was just a little preview of how it feels to wake up and have crushed dreams! Gosh i feel so stupid! VaLeRiE...
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OMG Val I wish I had that dream! I love Dom Orli Lij so much. Weeeeeeeeeee