At School

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Feeling: whiney
I am at school and soooo bored. I am a lil upset cause Kelsey and Vanessa always just go and walk away to hang with someone else in the morning and i think it's really rude. Vanessa says i do it to, but I have no i dea what she's talkng about cause I don't remeber ever doing it to them. And if I ahve, I know that I defiantly go back to them at least. They just go to another group for the rest of the time, for no reason. it's really rude. Also today, their bags kept punching me in the back and it hurt and it just made me EVEN MORE mad. Im not in a good mood today and im having a BAD DAY. I feel like im the one always starting fights but im not trying to, kelsey just makes me so mad with the things that she does,a dn it sux cause those two are alwasy against me. And htne tomorrow something else happens and i get mad again and they get mad cause i am "starting an arguemnt". Omg IT MAKES ME SO MAD!
Read 5 comments
sorry ur havin a bad day lol dont worry we all have our bad days..nice diary :)
do you still like Kyle?? or was that a long time ago?? I was just reading my comments
I am sorry.. but i dont care what eh thinks. And I really want to be your friend.. why are you mad at me?? Is it because I like always hang with vanessa? I am sorry.. if it is because if you have like a like "diffrent" face i say it looks ugly.
I seroiusly know that I am not perfect. I never want to be perfect. And sorry if i hurt your feelings. I just i dont know.. i got upset when I read it. I dont think you would like it if I wrote something hurtful about you. I never get angry And after i do something mean i do feel bad, and i try to say sorry, but it wont comeout. I just dont like to say sorry. Is this why you are mad at me.

I hope that you will forgive. just please forgive me.
I just read what i wrote ro you on your diary.i am really sorry. I was having a bad day And i didnt know that you wree ahving a bad day you nev told me. Just tell me things, next time. Omg i am crying now I dont like getting in fights with my friends Please forgive me. i just want to be BFFs like before I will think about what i do before i speak i am sorry I just was having bad days last week Because of all the rain (thats what always happens)