
Listening to: none-
Feeling: patriotic
Today is thurs. (duh!) and I hace a lot to say! I am not allowed to go on the comp on wednesdays so that's why I have a lot to say! So yesterday (chelse still a bit annoying, she wouldn't even let me touch her paper bag project!) erm... well anyway chelsea is mad a kesley because kelsey told sam (chelsea's ex) wut chelsea said to janae (sam's recent ex) that he smokes pot and does all that bad stuff, so chelsea is mad at kelsey and I am in the middle and I tried to persuade chelsea into forgiving kelsey but now she's mad at me! I hate being in the middle! And now everyone thinks dennis likes me and I do too because he flicked me like 5 times yesterday and I didn't flick him once, It was a little test I did, See if he still flicks me all though I din't flick him and If he keeps flicking me it means he wants me to flick him...(GET THE PICTURE?!?!) and then he invited me to henri's because theyw ere all going to hang out after skool yesterday but then chelsea said she was busy and she wanted to hang out with just me, but then it rained yestersday, stupid rain! erm.. well yea and another sign that dennis likes me is he is always complaining that I never go outside and he wants me to go outside so that wne he walks by he can like stop and talk with me or sumthin! he said he is always thinking about wut I do in my house all day...which means he is always thinking about me...:p! Yea so that was yesterday....and today it is the morning like 8:20 almost, (8:16) and um I have a cough and a lot oa stuff in ym throat and the sniffles so I am staying home....I hate wen I saty home because my mom makes me clean and then the next day at skool I have extra work because wasn't there the day before...and at skool we are doing those terenova tests or w/e. They arfe pretty easy but I hate the math part and the reading! Well I really have nothing else to say but I want to go over chelsea's today to see if she si still mad at me, I called her yesterday but her mom said she was busy, w/e! my hands are getting tired so now I am going to go buh bye! (luv my best pals hey all you ppl!~hey all you ppl!~ hey all you ppl will you listen to me!?!?~ I jsut had a sandwhich, no ordibnary sandwhich!~ a sandwhich filled with jellyfish jelly!!!~ hey man you've GOT to try this sandwhich, it's no ordianry sandwhich!~ it's the best in the deep blue sea!~ ababadeebadoobadeebadoobadubadeedu!~ yaaaaa!~ :) VaLeRiE
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ohmigosh, i absolutely LOVE your butterfly picture ! So cute :) Just hadta comment and tell ya, may i use it in my journal ? If you dont mind .. if you do no biggie, i just love it !
haha umm old friends