Nothing's been happening...

Feeling: dark
I found a rabbit....through rows of mermaid entwined shrubbery....ahhhhhh ooo ahhhhhh ooo..oh what marvelous things, but they are, they are they are giving me the creeps....dark nights hold tight and sleep tight my baby, morning light shall burst bright and keep us here safely...
Read 5 comments
hey do u have a screename? mine are xxdemonangel, xxtiffaniaprilxx, faith4eva2000..yea okay. and where do u get tha quizzes? get back 2 me whenever u get a chance. bye!
LoL yes we're both tbffl i asked her if i could copy it and she said yes so i put it on...LoL
We soooooo have to hang out, this week or something
I miss YOU too..but it wasnt for you! sorry*kiss kiss*

Call me sometime- we need to hang..
I am getting really bored
does your aol work? cause mine doesnt