outta sight

Listening to: summer - modest mouse
Feeling: ornery
this morning i went surfing with amy, it was way bodacious, the waves were a cherry... it was my best time out yet... amy, we gotta go again! soon! i discovered modest mouse is way far out, its totally not my norm-band, but thats why i dig it. tomorrow ill be goin' to my daddy-o's house & i wont be back till friday (ill miss you sD) were goin' to soak city, fun? eh? i hope. same ol' stuff, my mom has been spazing out, one night shes sobbing about her boyfriend, & tonight shes making out with him, not only is it odd, but its way skuzzy & also way teenage-like for a 41 year old women... never will i turn out like my emotionally-spazzed mom, oh no. so, i had a rad day & i thought id write since i wont be back till friday, ill miss you all, leave me some badass comments, kay? take it easy, from your hep friend in the shades, alexa.
Read 7 comments
smelly smelly alexa
oh alexa your sooo cool... I LOVE YOU!


you came up on random...

oooh oooh ooooh!
random AGAIN....
hey love, thaks for trying to come to our show, we weren't that great according to me. fancy a chat, no??
haha that's really funny 'cause on your last one you said chandler andi know that guy , he's like on of my best friends, im me when your back (rocknroll067)
p.s.hooray i have shaggy hair
You like Evan.
hot stuff. It's
weird how me
and Becca like
the same guys.
Great minds think