far out camping

Feeling: dirty
dude... camping was crazy, so last night was our last night there, & man... well, we wanted to have some "fun" before we left, & we found it 2 campsites away from ours. we noticed from the beginning those guys had a lot of "stuff", but they had way more then we expected :-D... so were walking past them & lauren, being lauren, asked if they were into sharing, & they were... i dont want to get into all the stuff we did, but it was way crazy... way way crazy... i dont remember much, all i remember is this one guy, greg? thought i was way cool because i knew about blackflag & jonny cash, haha... & he also wanted to give me his brothers # & he kept calling him niggy, haha. so yeah... we stayed in a town called bodfish aka cracktown, big time producers of crystal meth, so ive heard, & we got some awesome hot pink hats at home mart, haha... it was great. yeah & tonight im supposed to go to the violent femmes show, & damnit, amy you better COME with me!!!! yeah, man call me. from your gnarly friend, alexa. update:amy came over & told me about her weekend, aww, :-). yeah & she cant go to the violent femmes, but i guess lauren caan, yay, :-/ well ill write all about it when i get back... -alexa
Read 15 comments
I am so sorry
I am not going
with you. I hope
Amy goes. please have
fun. I know you both
will. They are very
good live. Hearing
Gordons voice is just
amazing. They are
amazing. Call me on
my cell during
a song or something.
I love you.
I understand you
are obviously not
keeping the edge,
but please do not
lie to me, and tell
me you are sxe...
yes. Although
HHH tickets are
only 12 dollars,
they are playing
on a Thurday, which
means I have school
friday. So If I have
alot of homework I
won't go. Also I might
be in Sacramento. So
I just do not know.
Most likely I will
not be going to
anymore shows until
next summer, when I
move. Unless a really
good band plays the
Theatre. sorry.
are you on stupid?

cause youre acting like youre on stupid pills.

or something.

praise god! score! you found some one to go with you....but abuh? tickets?

ok so fun weekend at crystal meth town. you shouldve waord a jeweled necklace there or soemthing, dammit. but its not as bad as staying in Weed, Oregon. no im not joking.

see you tomarow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey alexa..hehe thats awesome about camping!i have to go camping for my gay ass birthda..it bites cuz i dont want to!my birthday present?? MISQUITO BITES!nothing im really into...hehe but i love ya!! call me xoxo
hey,just a random click. It seemed like you had a fun weekend camping and stuff. Well, hope you have fun at the concert!

coconuts are yummy.

thanks for the comment :]
i like your diary 2...go chipmunks.
Alexa darling,
How was the
Femmes? I
really wished
I could have
made it. Damn
Jason for getting
cancer, and damn
me for being so
kind and giving
him all my money,
actually no, damn
the Femmes for making
the tickets so damn
bitch please who would bite you nasty fish bitch
coconuts are iki
yeah thanks for the really pointless rude comment you left me. maybe to you i look 12... but i am sure you really are 12. no, i dont listent to rap. just so that you know. i dont need to listen to modest mouse because i dont know who that is. so if you are going to leave me more comments like that then just stop because there is no point. so move on and leave me the fuck alone. if you didnt like the pictures the move on to a different diary
if you dont like abercrombiebabe... then why did you even come to my diary and talk shit to me. i never did anything to you. damn.
hey bitch ya got scared of me ya little pussy so you had to go talk shit to my friends and damn bitch dont be jealous cuz your fucked up in the head and we have great lives go get some anal dumb whitey