
Feeling: cute
foooooood!!! i ate a lot of it... yesterday... tried to shop, but couldnt find anything, the mall sucks, so im off to the thrift stores, far out... today... hrm, clean my room? get some exercise (oinkkk), shop? or not?, prepare myself for school, okay, wait... done, & go to amy's house, sleepover! & smores for everyone! scoreeee... tomorrow... surf? we better, its been way too long, oh yeah, were going camping! oh & tomorrows, sunday? then monday (surf!) & tuesday (get school stuff, blah), then wednesday= first day of school, oh geesh, am i ready, NO! oh, you know what would be rad, to get blitzed outta my mind, doubt that'll happen... now i think- whoa this entry is way hip... tommorow ill think- whoa that was way lame... well im out, i hope my last days of summer, are... do i dare? a blast? alrighty cool cats, take it easy... -alexa. p.s... my body hates me & vice versa, damn the man... where is that from?
Read 3 comments
food loves you.
Well my darling,
Damn the man,
is from Empire
Records. But that
other part is not.
And I do not think
you have seen Empire
Records. So this
comment is

should i bring puffs marshmellows for tonight, or do you prefer the campfire brand?

what if we dont have a campfire?

will the marshmellows still inflate?


oh yes. we. must. see. evan. NOW.

arent i such a lovely girl? im sitting here in my bathrobe attempting to be percived as 'fun' and 'witty' on the internet instead of doing my conceptual physics homework.

oh well. at least now i sound smart.