hot hot heat

Feeling: energetic
wow! greatest show ever... you try to compare that to a punk show, & yeah it doesnt compare... im so over punk music, i realized that tonight... but yeah, that was soooo fun, the only thing i would of regreted was if i didnt dance, but thankfully i did! well, dancing is fun! it gave me such a rush, even though i didnt have anyone to dance with, ill find someone, i know it, & we can dance together all the time! haha i AM retareded, but its okay, wow! im all over the place, with that, so yeah, wow wow wow, that was great, im gonna be up all night thinking about it... yeah, what else? well i dont know, i guess thats all, wow! ...gonna go dance around in my room, because its fun! -alexa... wow!
Read 9 comments
punk music has gone so overrated..especially here people take it to the "max" in your terms..where they dress like it ..bugs the living hell out of me.I would say something but I would get my but kicked, i don't even wanna go there..2 times in my 1st month of high school i almost got my butt kicked for saying stuff thats good you had fun at hot hot heat!im not gonna dance at edgefest lol i might give it a try!your a dancing queen~!
hey there,
yeah, punk
music is
I have been
getting into
metal core.
pretty cool.

oh u make ur background cover the whole thing?? tell me please cuz mines only part of it. im me; angelovexo or disonegirlxo. thanks!
do marijuana? I tried that once. didn't like it.
wow.. i jusst realized that's a leg..

its cool

I like your website, its cool.
what show is this?

d'load some maroon 5.
you'll be over punk in a minute.

then try some allman brothers aaaand somee...
greatful dead.

hey babe thatnk for the entry in blondebabe

you need to
