ALEX IS ON FIRE!! (run!)

Tears of angst are streaming down my face and they smell like teen spirit! AHHHH GRUNGE ROCK=THE ELIXIR OF MY BROKEN EMO-HOT SOUUUULLL. My emohotness is so totally out of control that today I wore black and red clothing with pins near my crotch and all across my beautiful black messenger bag. I hung around in my favourite corner during lunch period and then cried some tears of crimson regret and sadness and despondency and emo and kittens in the last dilapidated stall of the girls bathroom. Oh, does my sadness know no bounds at all? I must sex up Maroon 5 and get them to play at my totally cool 'scene party, so that we can all look for the girl with the broken smile, and of course locate me, because my emo-ness shines through in most everything I do. (Including my English project: Emo themes in Tolkien literature.) My teacher said I was angsty and a liability and sent me to the principal, where the rank smell of death overpowered my sensitive emo nostrils. My tears of crimson are dripping down now, and I am sad. (and emo) Tears Of RED AND KIT TENS ARE eating me as I Wai T for my sadness to GO AWAY anGST?!; #!^#emo^%&(sadnes@!%
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moolie you are horrible. AND IT ONLY MAKES YOU COOLER!!!!
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