Fuck You

So first off, who got on under my name and deleted my friends? well fuck you who ever it was. Second, my brithday was on sat. i got one call from rae and she came over, but the other people i considered friends didnt say anything and still haven't. i geuss i was just stupid to think i finally had friends who cared. i mean 7th and 8th grade i had Justin but he never really cared, in fact he was sorta a asshole to me. then i have Rae and she cares but i never thought i would have a group of friends ti hang out with or anything. then this summer i have both the Eng. Lit. group and the little group over here, Rae Klye Car and me. i thought you guys cared and were my friends, but i guess not. i mean when i last talked to kyle he blew me off on the phone like he didnt want to talk to me, so i guess ill just take a hint. by the way kyle i want my garbage tape back. Rae, i have waterball practice 2 morrow at 8, u should come, its awsome. Ben
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ok, first off i do care. secondly, i had no fucking clue it was your birthday, so don't bitch that i didn't say anything or call you cause if i would've fucking know i would've! and for the part of me being an asshole or whatever that's about, so what, grow up and get over it. im like that to everyone and im never really serious, learn to take a joke
oh, and also, the friends list thing happened to everyone, something with the site i guess
hey. happy birthday. i didnt know it was your birthday. im sorry no one called you to wish you a happy birthday. to get your friends list back click prefrences and right on top there should be something about it, they redid the site. ill see you when school starts.
oi vey, this may seem a bit cruel, but Narcissism...well in truth it never makes the person look great. oh boy, people forgot your birthday. i'm sure it was intentional. we probably did it so we could laugh at how much it hurt you...or not. we're not your friends, eh? we missed a day, yet we hung out with you for how long? we planned so delicatly, with so much finesse, so we could deliberatly hurt you . sorry for being a dick, but you needed it
I had the same problem with all of my friends being deleted...
hey dontbedownsome i was like that in year 6 and 7 now i am like populorish i have people that are mates but because most people are scared of me cause i am a fighter but for nofin i dont belong i need to be freed a leve this place get over everythin start anew heyn gots to go plz reply im bored hey just be happy wid wats ya got bye luv joe