Entry The 8th: Randomness

Listening to: Sid Vicious - My Way
Feeling: placid
Hello People. Well today I found the love of my life. OI OI OI! Heh heh heh heh. Watched the movies last night. Dull as fuck. And I can report that I am a happy little Dougie today. Cha'mon Muthafuckers! P.S. I'm feeling really girlie today hehe ^_~ Lolz. Wuv and kissez MWAAAAAAAAAH xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox *gigglez* *snortz* ______________________________________________ Okay, that was a friend of mine... THIS is Dougie, and a very pissed off one at that. Lottie is in big trouble, I AM NOT FEELING GIRLY, I AM NOT LISTENING TO GAY McFLY!!! She pulled the start of nicely though "OI OI OI!" "Heh heh heh heh." very well done... She will pay. -Dougs. ______________________________________________ Oh will I Dougie >=) Lmao that was pretty funny you have to admit =P I won't do it again Dougieeeee. ______________________________________________ Ah she changed the music too... damn it. BUSTED SUCK!! ______________________________________________ *waves her tiny busted flag* *whispers* I'll make him love them one day bomh bomh bomh bomh dunuh dunuh dunuh dunuh ______________________________________________ Not gonna happen bint!!
Read 2 comments
Hahah that's awesome man
Yeah, i hate hate hate when people stereotype about your looks. If your wearing certain items of clothing they think your a criminal or something. 'Eff them...