Entry The 98th: Essay Stress

Originally posted: Wednesday, 15 April 2009 I am stressing. Really badly. Turns out that my essay that I THOUGHT was for next Thursday is actually for tomorrow. And I'm just over a fifth of the way through. And am I working on it? No, I'm watching Star Trek III: The Search For Spock. I think maybe after I post this I'll go through to the other computer and fire in another couple of thousand words. Hopefully that will mean I can finish it tomorrow before the deadline, and fingers crossed get a decent grade. Politics - such a dull subject. Anyway, I've decided today that some things in my life need to seriously change. I'm tired of being over weight, for one thing. A couple of years ago I managed to make some serious headway with loosing weight - however it was shortly after that I started suffering from depression, which put me right back where I was before. This time, I'm determined to do it. I figure now is as good a time as any to start - as I'll be free most days for pretty long walks. Uni starts again at the star of next week, but I'm back home by Two PM, which means a five mile walk should be no problem. I'm getting really excited about the new Star Trek film, which I find strange because growing up I was always much more of a Next Generation fan, rather than the Original Series. To be honest, I find the original series just that little bit dry. The characters, except from Spock, just never really grabbed me. I do, however, love the first six films - the one with the original series crew. They're by far the best things with the Star Trek name out there. Needless to say, I don't believe in the odd-number curse - they're all good. So anyway, Saturday past had a new episode of Doctor Who, which for me is a major event. I quite enjoyed it, except for Michelle Ryan. Someone needs to stop her from ever acting again. She's just awful. I'll be sad to see David Tennant go, but it's something that must be I suppose. I'm really looking forward to see what Moffat will do with the show when he takes over - his stories have been the best one's in each of the new series. I wonder if he'll be able to maintain that level of quality when he's having to churn out nearly three times as many. Only time will tell. Oh well, suppose I'd better go and write this beast of an essay, peace out.
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