Entry The 73rd: Rated 18

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Created by bart666
I took the day off of work today, couldn't face it. When I got back home from work yesterday, my dad told me that my dog, Hogan was dead. He had been sick the night before, and had been really low in the morning, but I thought it was just a temporary thing, maybe he had eaten too much or something. But it was obviously worse than that, my dad found him dead after dropping me off for my work bus. I cried for hours, I'm still randomly bursting into tears whenever I think about him, about how daft he was, how playful, how he would jump about like a lunitic in the snow... I miss my dog, want him back. I spent about an hour last night sitting beside where they buried him... I was the last one to see him alive, the last to clap and hug him. I guess at least he knew he was loved when he went, he was a brilliant dog, the best I've ever had, with me through half of my life so far, and I'll miss the crazy beast. One day as happy and bouncy as ever, he had never really gone downhill, still as full of energy as when he was a puppy, next day dead. I don't get it, don't see how that works. Anyway, I'm off. People I need to speak to about stuff. R.I.P Hogan.
Read 4 comments
i love the misfits.
i love the misfits

I hate losing pets.
I hope things improve for you.
man, that sucks ass.
