Entry The 92nd: 21 Months Later

Last entry: May 26th, 2007 Jings. You would think that with 21 months passing since my last entry I might have something to write about, but not really. So I'll just make some, more exciting stuff up, to mix in with what actually happened. I traveled the world (not really), met some famous people (that part's true*), joined a Pirate crew (not telling) and watched a lot of free movies at the cinema. That's true too. As well as tolerating University, I work part time at a cinema. I say part time, it's more a "when we need you we'll call you thing. And they do - I just wish they did it by some other means. A Dougie-Signal would be nice, lighting up the night sky. And a theme tune (John Williams, of course. If he won't do it... Danny Elfman I guess. They're the superhero go-to guys) Of course the real news is that I'm still with the girl mentioned in my last post. She's awesome, and is a lovely girl. I love her. She's gonna be a nurse. .... *Ernie Hudson - Winston from Ghostbusters Nick Brendon - Xander from Buffy Doug Bradley - Pinhead from Hellraiser Peter Davison - The Fifth Doctor from Doctor Who Katy Manning - Jo Grant from Doctor Who Jacqueline Pearce - Chessene from Doctor Who Nick Courtney - The Brig from Doctor Who John Leeson - Voice of K9 from Doctor Who Georgia Moffet - Jenny from Doctor Who Jeremy Bulloch - Boba Fett from Star Wars
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