*~Entry The One Hundredth~*

Yay! I finally made it too 100. So, today is the first day back at University after the Easter Holidays. I still find the Easter Hols a bit weird, because we didn't have them at my first University. So anyway, yesterday I decided that my dog (Shane, a Lhasa Apso who is very, very cute despite also being very, very ugly - I love him though) needed a hair cut. Lhasa's don't shed, their hair just grows and grows, and if you don't cut it, it matts. (This isn't helped by the fact that there's nothing Shane loves more than to play in dirt) So I go to cut the very first little Matt off of him, I slip with the scissors. As a result, a huge chunk of flesh came away (well, it's a flap now) and you could see bone and everything. He'll be getting spoiled rotten for a long time now. I feel so bad. I was trying my hardest to be careful and I still messed up. But, he isn't bothered. Seriously, he never even made a noise when it happened. Just licked it, and ran away to eat his dog treats (which he had scattered around the garden) It has been treated now, and we're to clean it once every day with special water-stuff. And keep it bandaged, but he doesn't seem the least bit bothered. I'm very angry with myself. Shane is just over two years old, and he's a little pest. He's disobediant, get's dirty all the time and steals food. But he's also a very loving little dog. Affectionate and much of the time, a real lap dog.
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i love your username. i'm sorry to hear about your dog's missing skin, i would feel horrible if i did that to my dog, but i might also laugh, i'm not sure why.