school is dumb

so, i didn't go to school today--ugh, i hate school. It's awesome to be home. Except--I would rather be home ALONE, and my mother is here. OHH weellll... So I've decided that I totally give up on all guys. I'm not going to try anymore, i'm just going to be myself and hope that that's enough. I just want to be happy, and latley I feel like I'm not happy because I try too hard. So, I'm just going to live and not try to be anyone or anything, just me. I was watching Dawsons Creek the other day @ missy's and some girl said this.. "Even if I don't like who I am, atleast I know who that is" I love it! (i DO like who i am, i just like that quote..because it's awesome) Another thing, to all of you that are trying to turn me into someone I'm not, stop. I like who I am right now. I like doing what I do. I like hanging out with friends watching a movie more then I like going to eclypse. Seriously, I hate going to those stupid clubs, and I hate getting all dressed up. I LIKE being comfortable. Not only that, but they play horrible music there that gives me a head ache, and i'd rather be in my room listening to GOOD music. ha. Just, let me be. That's all--byeeee!
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hey thts a really good enrty, you seem to hav a really good veiw on wots goin on. theres no point in being someone ur not coz it will never make you happy. i like tht quote =) n i agree wiv ya, i wood rather veg out at home then go to a club - comfortable iz beta =) btw wot font r u using?
-love ali